Peer-Reviewed journal articles

In prep. “Crops, Claims, and Collectives in India’s Agricultural Insurance Program”. For submission to Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.

2024. “Bulbs and Biopower: Managing Produce and Price in the Age of Agri-Logistics”. Special Issue on ‘New Political Ecologies of Storage’. Antipode.

2023. “Beyond Bad Weather: Climates of Uncertainty in Rural India”. Special Forum on ‘Climate Change and Agrarian Struggles’, Journal of Peasant Studies.

2022. “Speculative Crops: Gambling on the Onion in Rural India.” Geoforum 130: 115-122.

Book chapters

Under review. “The Seed and the Well: Agricultural Risk in the Anthropocene” in Sudha Vasan (ed.) Environmental Studies for the Anthropocene. Oxford Studies in Contemporary Indian Society Series.

2023. “Making Space for Onions: Material Production and Social Reproduction in the Peasant Household”. In Sasha Newell (ed.) Of Hoarding and Housekeeping: Material Kinship and Domestic Space in Anthropological Perspective. Bergahn Books.

2019. Matthan, Tanya, Emma Colven and Hudson Spivey. 2019. “Fluid Assemblages.” In Helga Leitner, Eric Sheppard, and Jamie Peck (eds.) Urban Studies Inside Out: Theory, Method, Practice. London: Sage, pp. 91-100. .

Web-based Publications

2023. A Well of One’s Own: Caste, Water and Freedom. Environmental History Now, May 24.

2022. You are what you grow: Crops, Cultivation and Caste in India. Platypus: The CASTAC blog, November 15. 

2022. Teaching and Flourishing with Everyday Water. NICHE: Network in Canadian History and Environment, July 21.

2020. The Global Lives of Indian Cotton, A Digital Humanities Story-Map (Contributor)

2019. The Monsoon and the Market. Weather Matters, October 28.

2016. A Flaneuse in the Multi-Species Museum of the Twenty-First Century. LENS Magazine, October 11.

Book Reviews and Essays

2024. The Agricultural Dilemma: How Not to Feed the World by Glenn Davis Stone. Journal of Peasant Studies, 51(5): 1277-1280.

2023. “When Neoliberalism came to the Indian Farm”, Himal SouthAsian, May 27.

2023. Plant Life: The Entangled Politics of Afforestation by Rosetta Elkin. H-Environment, H-Net Reviews.

2021. Cultivating Knowledge: Biotechnology, Sustainability and the Human Cost of Cotton Capitalism in India by Andrew Flachs. Agricultural History, 95(2): 404-406.

2020.  Book Symposium: Tasting Qualities: The Past and Future of Tea by Sarah Besky. Allegra Lab.

2020.  “Resource Politics and Entangled Lives in Extraction Zones: Review Essay”, Political and Legal Anthropology Review, September 14.

2016.   Pipe Politics, Contested Waters: Embedded Infrastructures of Millennial Mumbai by Lisa Bjorkman. Contemporary South Asia. 24(4): 462-463.

2015.   Reigning the River: Urban Ecologies and Political Transformation in Kathmandu by Anne Rademacher. Contemporary South Asia. 23(1): 105-107.